I discovered a short while back, that a 'Radler' is a shandy - now it's been a long, long time since I've had a shandy - I think it was back in the New Falcon in the early Eighties. I've only just rediscovered it now, because H was looking for a can of beer to put in the curry and bought a shandy instead - even though it had 'Radler' written all over it. Anyhow, it was left in the fridge for a while and I decided to drink it the other afternoon.
And do ye know what? It was really nice, tasted just like the one did in the New Falcon.
So this afternoon, as it was sunny and warm, we went down to Siegfried's Bier (and shandy) Wagen and I had a Radler made by Siegfried himself.....
Down by Siegfried's, there are loads of walnut trees - and the walnuts are almost ripe and ready to start dropping to the ground. Then it's a WalnutFest when everyone goes out collecting... Those who are in the Know, get up early and collect the best ones, but a second-best walnut is good-enough for me.
This particular walnut was on the ground, with part of the green casing eaten away by some little creature - there are supposed to squirrels here but we've never seen any. Plenty of moles though -
'Where do the moles go when the river floods?'
Nobody seems to know.
Got the conifer trees painted in my picture today - I had intended to paint the trees under the castle, but when I mixed up the paint it seemed to me to be more conifery, so I did those instead. Also used much the same colour for painting the River. The water is whatever colour is reflected in it plus a little bit extra....
So for now,
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