Thursday, 1 December 2011

A Painting in Progress - A Chicken Stew

Hello Again Everybody,

Did a lot of painting today, but you'll have to take my word for it, as this evening is concerned primarily with Chicken Stew. There will probably no pictures unless it's one of the Noble Boys of the Feurwehr with a Feur Extinguisher and a Saucepan.
It all started when we discovered a Cheap Chicken Mine in one of the Cheap Supermarkets. 
'99 cents for a chicken....!!! Aha!!!!!'. H was elated.
'Grand Job Altogether' said meself.
Now, I'm also clearing out cupboards at the moment (you know how you do....) and I found some Butter Beans ( best before 9th January 2007 ) and some split peas ( NOT lentils - I made a mistake) - best before 25th July 2003. Now you know yourself, that these 'sell-by' dates can be given a little bit of leeway here and there.........
'Will they be O.K.?' asked meself as they festered away in a saucepan.
'No Problem' said The Chef.
'Are they supposed to look like that....?'
'Have another glass of wine' quoth He.

So I did - and in The End....
our Cheap Chicken Stew cost us......
Price of Cheap Chicken
Price of Dried Pulses and Stuff we bought Quite A While Ago (Investment For Our Future)
Price of 8 Hours electricity, cooking the aforementioned Dried Pulses and Stuff.
Half an hour's heating for having to open up the Front Door to let the smoke escape.
Worry about the plumber's fees for extracting Butter Beans from 'The Plumbing'.

We're having Omelette tonight. (With Ketchup)


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