Wednesday, 1 February 2012

A New Painting - And A Slice of Winter

Hello Everybody,

Jeez, it's cold today. Cold, cold, cold, cold, cold. Minus five out in the garden, according to my trusty thermometer.
Wilbur, who likes to accompany me on the adventure of sorting out the recycling every morning, had one little turn around the flower pots and was upstairs behind the wood stove before I'd even closed the bin.
There hasn't been any more snow, so there are no picturesque winter landscapes, but there is a bit of ice on the small village roads. We went out for our daily spin around the countryside, all snug and warm in the ol' Chevy - but when we got out...... that breeze chilled you to the bone in a second.

Which made it a good afternoon for sitting in the studio room and doing some painting.

As I said previously, this painting is also going to be my 'Avatar' for my internet shop. I've been wondering for a while what to do...... Not a photo as I wouldn't want to put off any potential customers...... A detail of one of the paintings I've already done? Not really. Then I saw something which gave me the beginnings of an idea and it developed from that.

I've managed to get quite a bit done in a short time, mainly because I know exactly what I want this painting to turn out like. With my previous painting of 'Wilbur in the Window' I had the thought behind the painting in my head, rather than the finished result, which is why I was fiddling about and changing it here and there.
As you can see, Wilbur is not in this painting. It's my dear Torte. Perhaps I'll tell you a bit more about her as the painting progresses.....

So, wrap up against the cold and I'll be back soon.

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