Hello Again Everybody,
Here's the finished painting of my Tortie - 'The Avatar Purr', so called because she's now the 'New Me' on the internet - do you see the little picture over there to the right? That's the one I mean....
.......and here's the painting with the Torte herself - not as confident in front of the camera as my fluffy Wilbur (see, she is like me)....
Away from the painting, we had a busy past few days driving to Birmingham, to a printing exhibition at the NEC. Recession or no, from Eller to the Encore Hotel, the ol' Chevy was the oldest car on the road it seemed, but did us as proud as ever, giving the Mercs a run for their money, especially when we were going downhill. It was a tiring trip - too much driving in too little time, but all worth it in the end I hope.
We saw the Cranes again as we were driving back along the A4 from Reims to Metz. Circling up ahead, you could see some of them flying through the low cloud - again what a wonderful close-up photo that would be. What a strange and different world they live in..... H also heard them when we stopped at a service station, but I was busy battling the coffee machine, so I missed them by a minute. Best coffee of the whole trip it was though.
It would be good to do a painting of the cranes, from their own perspective, with the cloud or the snow or the rain, in the dark, in the sunshine, with that compass in their head which sends them so many miles across Europe.... My next planned painting is of a swan, but I must think of the cranes......
So, soon - and here's a photo I took in the NEC in Birmingham.
Appropriate enough I think.....
Ah!!! fantastic!!! Tort is looking great and love the picture! I knew it was her immediately!! Also loved Wilburs. Miss the gang!! Mel in Ireland xx