It's been a quiet few days here in the Moseltal, which is why I haven't written much in the Blog Department. No Hailstones, No Drumming Parties, No Birthdays. But today the sun was shining and we had a glass of wine this evening. There's a 'weinstube' just up and along the road from us - the owner is a wine-grower and has a 'wine cellar' that he opens up for half the week in the evening in the summer months. For some reason, there always seems to be a very talkative or a very intellectual clientele, which counts me out anyhow. But the wine is good and the tables are very rustic.
We went for a stroll around the village before our wine and walked up a street we had never walked up before (not sure how that happened).... Found this '3D mural' - and alongside it are a row of heads peering through the wall. I thought this Angel was the sweetest.....
On our way back up to the Weinstube, we said hello to a pair of wonderful rabbits who live in a hutch and a run, just off the little village road. One is big and black with huge ears and the other one is small and creamy and very furry. But they're both gorgeous of course.
Got quite a bit of painting done these past few days. I did a lot of work on the sky - first I put in the two blues, then, with the help of my trusty 'Stay-Wet' palette, I blended the two colours together, to give more of a cloudy look.
My trusty 'Stay-Wet' palette is a great help, as you can mix up a colour or two and know that it will still be usuable the following day (this is for acrylic paint). I thought about buying one of these palettes, but then I looked up on the good ol' internet and found out how to make one myself. You need: a container with a lid. Some thick paper, such as a spare bit of watercolour paper and some greaseproof paper, the kind you use for cooking. So you just cut the watercolour paper to fit the bottom of the container (make a template from card and it also saves time for the greaseproof paper) - then cut the same shape with the greaseproof paper. Then soak the watercolour paper with water, stick the greaseproof on top and use it as a palette whenever you're ready - just put the lid on top to keep everything damp when you're done. The paint you mix up will last for a while - if it's hot, lift up the greaseproof and wet the watercolour paper again - I use a cooked-chicken plastic container we bought from Dunnes Stores - not only have I got a good palette, we also had a tasty chicken for lunch...
So I just put a bit of fresh colour over the clouds and the sky, then got a clean brush with water and mixed the two blues together.
I did the castle today. I like castles.
While all this was going on, H was busy writing - he was also listening to the Middlesex - Leicestershire Cricket Match. he sent them an e-mail and they read it out on air - how H is writing a novel about St. Fridolin in Eller and his wife is busy painting and how cheap the wine is etc. He got Ediger-Eller on the airwaves anyhow!
So, Tschüss!