Sunday, 21 August 2011

A Painting in Progress - All Kinds of Everything

Hello Everybody,

Sweet Sunday, hope that you had a good one. Siegfried (he of BierWagen Fame) told me that there was a huge Regenbogen - a Rainbow - over the valley this morning at 7 this morning. 7 in the morning is the middle of the night to meself these days (though it didn't used to be...) so I missed it. I could have been there with me camera taking photos to put on Flickr, when I get it set up (next week, next week...), but I was asleep with a cat or two paralysing the poor ol' legs - and when I did wake up - it was dark and stormy - I worried for 20 seconds about the Bild Am Sonntag on the front doorstep, then went back to sleep. 
But the dark weather didn't last, even though I thought it would, and out came the Sun -and out went we to Siegfried's (aforementioned) BierWagen for ein kleine und ein grosse Bier.
I learnt from our Neighbour a while back, that you aren't supposed to do any HouseWork here on Sundays. No Washing (of clothes), No 'oovering, No cleaning Winders.... 

I think that this is a Great Idea.

But I did a lot of painting - I would have liked to have done a bit more, but Time run out on me today - so I won't post the piccie until tomorrow. 

But for all you Wilbur Fans out there, here's a photo of him asking me for one of those cat stick treats I was mentioning the other night. If I'm in my studio and he's watching me and sees me head towards the kitchen (where the treats are...) to make meself a cup of coffee or to get a bit of secret chocolate without H knowing (he will now)....Wilbur will tear along the tiled hallway, then slam the brakes on with his furry paws just before the front door - but as he hasn't really figured out the Shortest Stopping Distance, he'll crash into the door (no damage at all) then do a rebound to the Cupboard Where The CatSticks Are Kept. Then he'll go mad with the paws up and down on the cupboard door until I root out the Sticks under the casserole dish and break off a small piece for him.
They must taste SO GOOD because once I'm in the kitchen, he'll have the first piece of stick for being there, the second bit for putting the water in the kettle, the third for finding a mug, the fourth for finding the coffee, and so on and so forth....
And when I look into that lovely face....

I just cain't say no!

Tchüss - Schöne Abend Noch...

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