Yesterday was the Feast Day of St. Rochus and since there is a chapel dedicated to him here in Eller, it was time for celebrations all round.
St Rochus is the Patron Saint of Dogs (sorry Wilbur) and the Plague - He was helping sick people during a Plague and eventually caught it himself. He went off to die, but was saved by a dog who used to bring him food - so that 's where the connection is. There's a bit about his story on the good ol' internet if you should be interested in a few more of the details.
Here's a photo of the chapel, it's only small, but it's very peaceful and cool inside. As you turn to go through the door, there's a lovely view of some stone steps leading into a garden and a vineyard, with the Calmont behind it - I'll have to find/take a picture of that view too.
The chapel again, with the church of St Hilarius. There was a service in this church yesterday evening, before the party started. The inside of this church is very decorative and it looked lovely with all the flowers and smelt of incense - the singers were good too. There was a particularly tuneful German song which I don't know, but there was also a rendition of Leonard Cohen's 'Hallaluja' (in English) and also, a little bit later of the old song 'Let My People Go' (also in English)....
And after we had indeed all been let go, there was a rush outside to the sunshine and the tables and chairs under yellow and white awnings. All the food and wine had been donated and all the proceeds are to go for the restoration of the church. The food was good and the wine was good (2008 was a good year I think...) and we stayed there for almost 5 hours.....................
There were also bunches of herbs to buy, which you hang up to dry in your house (by the front door is best) and this should protect you from ill health for a whole year. We hung ours up from a hook in the ceiling this afternoon - 'Mind you don't fall off the ladder' said meself to H.
Anyhow we ended our evening with a quiet moment in a bit of an alcoholic haze, in the chapel itself.
This morning, I swore I'd never drink again.
'So how's the painting getting on?' I hear you ask. Don't I? Well, I managed to do quite a bit yesterday, but you're going to have to take my word for it!
H tells me there should be an umlaut on the 'u' but I haven't got the hang of that yet.
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