Friday, 12 August 2011

A Painting in Progress

Hello Everybody,

Welcome to my brand-new first-ever Blog. Since I've only just moved in this afternoon you'll have to forgive the place being a bit bare. I've got some bits and pieces that I have to unpack and I think I'll have to put up a bit of new wallpaper as well - now don't get me wrong, this is a great template with the birds and all, but I like to have my own things around me when I'm working.
Let me just tell you a little about what this blog is going to be about - I'm an artist living in the lovely Moselle/Mosel Valley in Germany, so I want to tell what it's like to live here and I also want to show you the work I do. Sometimes it's connected with here - sometimes it isn't. You have to be flexible after all.
My new painting is a kind of Halloween picture (see I told you so) - but the cat who's going to be the Star Subject is my Fluffy Wilbur (you can see the Halloween connection there straight away) and the castle in the background will be the lovely Reichsberg in Cochem - so there you go.
If my moving in goes smoothly enough, I should have the beginnings up tomorrow - that's if H (short for Husband) decides whether or not we'll go to Trier. I'm not going if it's raining that's for sure - we went there last Saturday so I could buy some shoes (hah!) and it chucked it down so hard we had to sit under a big MacDonald's umbrella for ages - it was my first Big Mac for years and years and they still taste exactly the same as I remember....
But I digress (is that how you spell it?) - I must just see if I can link this to my website, then I've got a bit of unpacking to do.... Now where did I put that step ladder....

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