Friday, 19 August 2011

A Painting in Progress - Bee Hotels and Cat Sticks

Hello Everybody,

When we were walking back from Theisen's last night along by the River, there were flashes of lightning over the Eifel - we didn't hear any thunder, but H pointed out that as light travels at 186,000 miles per second or thereabouts and sound only travels at 1,100 feet per second thereabouts that it wasn't really that surprising. It must have stayed with us though, even though it didn't feel stormy, 'cause it fair chucked it down this morning - thunder, dark skies - for about half an hour - then there were blue skies and tweety birdies all round and I hung me washing out.
Got some painting done as well.... Here are the sketches I did of some vine leaves and the scrolly door down the road. There's also a little 'live' sketch of Wilbur. He was watching me as I drew the vine leaves - then got bored and went into a mini trance - but everything he does is so photogenic......

After I'd traced my sketches at the right size for the painting, I transferred them onto the board - I started with the ironwork.....

.....then the vine leaves - now that the painting is starting to come together, it's time to add the detail. Tomorrow.......
Our great neighbour Rudi brought us a Bee Hotel this afternoon to hang up in our garden. H had seen Rudi making Bee Hotels in his workshop, but wasn't quite sure what they were for.... but the vintners around here hang them up around the vineyards to attract the bees. We had quite a few bees around the garden, earlier this year and they were busy digging out the mortar between the bricks like a Jack Russell down a rabbit hole, so this will save on the walls anyhow. But we're looking forward to seeing how many bees will be checking in.....

The wire mesh is to stop the birds from having an early lunch. So many thanks Rudi, and also Vielen Danke to whoever put 6 cat-stick treats through our letterbox when we were out for our walk this evening...
Here's to you.....

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